AI in Content Creation: Using ChatGPT as a Content Creator

AI is a buzzing topic in all aspects right now. People are discussing AI from everything like the AI art creators and ChatGPT. What does AI mean though for content creators? Will it hurt or help in the world of online content? With focus on ChatGPT specifically, there’s a number of ways to use the AI as a tool to help content creators without completely replacing them. This applies to individual content creators on platforms like Twitch and YouTube as well as major brands who hire content teams for their blogs and socials. ChatGPT is ultimately a tool for content and not a content writer.

How to Use ChatGPT for Content Creation

Chat GPT is incredibly versatile for what you can use it for as a tool. Since the AI is conversational it is able to do a lot for creators. Here is a look at ways to utilize this tool to help you as a creator:

  • Finding trending topics - Topic research can definitely be tiring. Especially when you need to keep up with trends. ChatGPT however can find you topics. You simply ask it for things like “give me trending topics for gaming blogs” or “give me trending TikTok audios” and it’ll give you a list. If that list doesn’t give you what you want though it’s as easy as asking it for me. Just like that you can be looking at plenty of trending topics that fit within your niche so you can get to making the content. 

  • Gather information - Doing research can often be long and exhausting. Finding ways to speed up the process can be a game changer for creators, especially individuals working completely on their own. So you can ask the AI to tell you about the different things you need to research. You can also ask it questions about what it tells you since it’s a conversational AI. 

Find the right words - Sometimes finding the right words to describe something is hard when you have been on a warpath writing out content like crazy. Everything from captions on social media, scripts for video content and blog articles need the right words to perform well. You can simply ask ChatGPT to describe something for you in whatever tone you need. It can do everything from formal to casual and more. It’ll give you a description of whatever it is you asked for and from their you can hunt through the words to find the perfect one to build your sentence off of.

The Problems with ChatGPT

ChatGPT isn’t perfect though. Thus why it can’t simply replace humans and probably never will be able to. Humans are a necessary player in content creation with things like proofing. Here are some issues ChatGPT can have and why it requires a human to ultimately create content while using the AI as a tool.

  • Stealing content - The bot has also been known to copy existing content. Stealing content is a big no no in the content creator space. That’s why you should never pull what the AI writes word for word. Copying and pasting here will run you the risk of copyright problems. So be sure to not copy it word for word and use it more as a tool for inspiration. ChatGPT isn’t a writer by any means and needs a human to write out the content. 

It doesn’t know everything - The bot isn’t perfect. It won’t always know everything or get it right since the wrong information is out there for it to pull from. It’s important to double check the information it gives you. Be sure there’s at least one or two other sources that can confirm the information it gives you.


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